About Me

I'm a final year Systems Engineering student at The University of Warwick who is enthusiastic to engineer change, whether through Systems, Engineering, Management, or Education.
I am currently seeking work experience in the engineering and consulting fields, however I am open and keen to learn new things.
When I'm not doing university work, I enjoy the following:
- Volleyball I have been playing volleyball for 8 years and have been Captain for two teams.
- Warwick Moto Alongside my degree, I am the External Relations Manager at Warwick Moto.
- Reading Currently reading: Algorithms to live by by Brian Christian & Tom Griffiths.
Masters of Systems Engineering
2018 - Present - Expected Graduation Date: Jul 2022
The University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
Year 4 (TBC)
- Group Project: Warwick Moto Powertrain Multi-Speed Transmission Development
- Mathematical and Computer Modelling
- Affective Computing
- Advanced Control
- Automobile Systems Dynamics and Control
- Image and Video Analysis
- Foundations of Data Analytics
Year 3 (Mark: 76.4%)
- Individual Project: Modelling tumour growth as a means to predict chemotherapy effects in humans
- Automation and Robotics
- Dynamics of Vibrating Systems
- Signal Processing
- Systems Modelling and Control
- Intelligent Systems Design
- Biomedical Imaging and Medical Devices
Year 2 (Mark: 79.6%)
- Analogue Electronic Design
- Introduction to Biomedical and Clinical Engineering
- Computer Architecture and Systems
- Dynamics and Fluid Mechanics
- Electromechanical System Design
- Engineering Mathematics and Data Analytics
- Systems and Software Engineering Principles
- Technical Operations Management
Year 1 (Mark: 76.6%)
- Introduction to Engineering: Professionalism and Practice
- Dynamics and Thermodynamics
- Electrical and Electronic Cicuits
- Engineering Design
- Engineering Mathematics
- Introduction to Engineering Business Management
- Materials for Engineering
- Statics and Structures
- Systems Modelling, Simulation and Computation
The Cherwell School
2011 - 2018
The Cherwell School, Oxford, UK
GCSE: 11 A's - A*'s including Mathematics and English. A-levels: Mathematics (A), Physics (C), History (A).
Work Experience
External Relations Manager
Sept 2020 - Present
Warwick Moto, University of Warwick, UK
- Innovate different approaches towards companies to obtain and maintain partnerships between them and Warwick Moto
- Delegate tasks to the 4 members of the PPS team and provide counsel on all aspects of the project
- Accomplished getting product and £5000 worth of monetary support from different sponsors
- Supervise the assessment of all Press, Partnership and Sponsorship material in order to ensure quality and accuracy of the work
- Recommend and consult with clients on the most appropriate deals
- Oversee the efficient use of project budgets ranging from £100 - £1000
Technology Summer Intern
Jul 2021 - Aug 2021
SysElek, Wawickshire, UK
- Designed and developed a mobile application (FreightSecure) as a technical solution to improve efficiency of the additional journeys at the UK borders and Irish Sea posed by Brexit
- Re-designed the SysElek website
- Developed marketing programs (logo, application name, and video) for the mobile application
- Created 4+ presentations for clients and managers
- Efficiently learnt Java and Android Studio in under 8 weeks
Student Ambassador
Jan 2020 - Present (Term-time only)
School of Engineering, University of Warwick, UK
- Offer insightful guidance to newly arriving students, offer holders, and those interested in applying to study Engineering at The University of Warwick.
- Host presentations, lead campus tours, and assist prospectus students as well as department and admission staff
Technical Skills
- MATLAB, Simulink, Stateflow, Python, C, Java, Android Studio, HTML, CSS, Javascript. Confident with core MS-Office.
Additional Experience & Interests
Volleyball I am an outside hitter, a keen blocker and team captain of this years Women's 2nd Team at The University of Warwick President of Warwick Filipino Society During the 20/21 academic year I was the oversaw the Filipino society at The University of Warwick Bright Network Technology and Consulting Internship During the summer of 2020, I proactively spent my summer learning more about the technology and consulting sectors CodeFirst: Girls Web Development course on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript completed on top of studies in 2019 Teenage Cancer Trust Volunteered and achieved making £200 in 5 days from selling teenage cancer trust wristbands in 2017
The best way to get in touch with me is by email: I look forward to hearing from you!